Kristen has been my friend and neighbor on Lewis Lane since the kids were babies. Her son Jamie and Billy are the same age. Kristen was diagnosed with MS between her second and third pregnancies in 1998; her last pregnancy gave her a remission from the disease. While Kristen’s body might be failing her, her mind is sharp and intellegent. She has a pragmatic and logical view of the world. We spent many hours on the phone talking about life and loss, children and family, the past and the future. I have always admired her strength of spirit and her willingness to fight through the trials of MS. She is a lioness as a mother and would do anything for her children. She is an example of fortitude and resilience living each day as it comes. She is a remarkable soul. Kristen has the first wheat- colored Cozmeena and it suits her completely. When she wears her Cozmeena, she looks beautiful. It makes me feel better to know that she is warm and cozy and wrapped up tightly in love. I only wish there was more I could do to bring her comfort. She is a true and beautiful friend.

International Cozmeena Registry #4
Kristin Martin
Knit by: Lisa Luckett Completed: January 2006Type of shawl: Wheat Wool