Beautiful Melissa. As Jim, Melissa’s husband said to me one night during that the first year, “when Melissa wraps those maternal arms around you there’s no better place to be.” How right he was! I would get home from my parents and the refrigerator would have fresh milk and bread. On any given day, there would be a bag of bagels on my doorstep. I would hear my kitchen door open and Melissa would walk in with homemade soup or a bag of yummies from Delicious Orchards. I felt happy, held and sustained when I was with the Keale’s. They loved Teddy so much. They were simply heartbroken by the loss. Jim spoke at Ted’s memorial service with four other dear friends. Their four beautiful children were good friends with Jen and Billy. I consider their daughters Kara, Margot and Elise to be my nieces; I think of their son Christian as my third son. The Keale’s kept me in their sites that first year and never let me slip. I made Melissa a charcoal wool Cozmeena Shawl and I understand that is worn by everyone in the family even 8 years later .

International Cozmeena Registry #5
Melissa Keale
Knit by: Lisa Luckett Completed: February 2006Type of shawl: Charcoal Grey Wool